A lead generation is a marketing strategy which is used by marketers to bring in potential customers. These customers are referred to as leads, and they are usually provided by third party companies or by the customer’s own sales force. The aim of a lead generation company is to provide leads to marketers, who then can market their products and services to these leads.

Lead generation is usually a time consuming activity and requires careful planning and execution. Lead generation is a highly competitive business and many companies are now offering lead generation services. There are many ways in which you can generate leads. Some of the common methods are listed below:
1. Using Social Media
Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. are being used more and more by businesses to promote their products and services. You can also use these sites to generate leads. For example, if you have a new product launch, you can tweet about it to your followers. This will help you generate a lot of interest in your product and may result in some sales.
2. Search Engine Optimization
You can optimize your website to get high search engine rankings. When people search for information related to your products or services, they will visit your website and see your website in the results. If you have good content, you will get a lot of visitors to your website. This will result in lead generation.
3. Article Marketing
Article marketing is another method of generating leads. When you write an article about your products or services, you can submit it to different article directories. People who read your articles will visit your website and this will result in lead generation. You can also submit your articles to other websites, blogs, forums etc.
4. Email Marketing
Email marketing is another popular method of lead generation. When you send emails to your contacts, you can include a link to your website where interested customers can click on. You can also add a call to action in your email.
5. Webinars
Webinars are live presentations that are held over the web. You can use this medium to communicate with your prospects and give them updates about your products or services. You can also use this medium to hold interactive sessions with your customers and answer their queries.
6. Forums
Forums are online discussion boards where people can discuss various topics. You can join these forums and participate in discussions. This will help you generate leads.
7. Blogging
Blogging is another great way of generating leads. When you blog regularly, people will come to know about your products and services. They will visit your blog and read about your products and services. This will result in lead generating.
8. Video Marketing
Video marketing is another effective method of lead generation. You can upload videos to YouTube and other video sharing sites and post links to your website in the description box. When people view your video, they will visit your website.
9. Podcasts
Podcasts are audio recordings that are made available online. You can use podcasts to communicate with your customers and prospects. You can also interview experts in your field and record these interviews. This will help you generate more leads.
10. Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. are used by millions of people everyday. You can use these sites to communicate with your prospects and generate leads.
11. Pay Per Click (PPC)
PPC is a paid advertising method. You can place ads on Google, Yahoo and Bing and when people click on your ad, you pay the PPC provider. You can also use PPC to generate leads.
12. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing in which you promote other people’s products and earn commission. You can use affiliate marketing to generate leads.
13. Teleseminars
Teleseminars are live web conferences. You can use this method to generate leads. You can also use teleseminars to communicate with your prospects and answer their questions.