I’m sure that you have heard about lead generation. It is a very effective way of generating leads. But you should not confuse lead generation with lead capture. Lead capture is the act of capturing the contact information of the people who visited your site and made an enquiry or request for information.
Lead generation is different from lead capture. You can generate leads without capturing them. You can also capture leads without generating them. You can generate leads by using the right tools and strategies. Lead capture is done by using the right tools and techniques.
There are many ways to generate leads. Some of the most common ways are through email marketing, search engine marketing, direct mail marketing, and telemarketing. There are many more ways to generate leads but these are the most popular ones.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to generate leads. You can send newsletters, emails, ezines, and other promotional materials to your potential customers. This is the most powerful tool for lead generation.
Search engine marketing is another powerful way of generating leads. You can place ads on the top search engines like Google and Yahoo. The purpose of these ads is to drive targeted traffic to your website. This is a very cost effective method of generating leads.
Direct mail marketing is another way of generating leads. You will find that this is the most expensive method of lead generation. But if you are able to generate good response then it is worth spending money on.
Telemarketing is yet another way of generating leads. It is a very effective technique if you are targeting businesses. Telemarketing can help you generate leads for all types of businesses.
There are many other ways of generating leads. If you want to generate leads then you need to take the time to research different lead generation techniques.