The United States government has been struggling with how to fix the health care system that they have. The government has had many ideas, but none of them have worked out very well. This article will discuss some of the reasons why the government has not been able to fix the health care system and how the system could be fixed.
The first reason why the health care system is not fixed is because of the way that the system was created. In the past, the government decided to give the people free healthcare. The government made it seem like the people were getting free healthcare, but in reality the people were just paying for the cost of their own healthcare. When the government made this decision, it also decided to not give any help to the people that needed it the most. The government did not think that it would be fair to give the same level of healthcare to everyone in the country, so they decided to make sure that only the rich got healthcare.
Another reason why the health care system has not been fixed is because of the way the system is now run. The government does not want to take away the healthcare that the people have, so they have decided to make the system more complicated. They have tried to make it seem like the people do not need the help, but in reality the people need more help than ever before.

There are many ways that the government can fix the health care system. One way that the government could fix the system is by giving the people better healthcare. This means that the government should lower the price of the healthcare that they provide and give the people better quality healthcare. Another way that the government can fix the system is by lowering the amount of paperwork that the people need to fill out. This would make the system easier to run and would make it easier for the people to get the healthcare that they need.